Results for 'Anna-Dorothee V. Den Brincken'

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  1.  10
    Hodie tot anni sunt – Grosse zeiträume im geschichtsdenken der frühen und hohen scholastik.Anna-Dorothee V. Den Brincken - 1983 - In Andreas Speer, Mensura, 1. Halbband: Mass, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik Im Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 192-211.
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    Anno Domini 1308. Anmerkungen zur Zeitrechnung.Anna-Dorothee von den Brincken - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer, 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 1-12.
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    Weltbild und Weltkenntnis in der Kartographie um 1308. Die Ebstorfer Weltkarte und die Rundkarte im Portulan-Atlas des Pietro Vesconte.Anna-Dorothee von den Brincken - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer, 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 13-24.
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  4. Der berechenbare Mensch im Transhumanismus. Der eurowissenschaftliche Diskurs in der transhumanistischen Anthropologie als philosophisch-theologische Herausforderung.Anna Puzio - 2022 - In Anna Puzio, Carolin Rutzmoser & Eva-Maria Endres, Menschsein in einer technisierten Welt. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf den Menschen im Zeichen der digitalen Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer.
    Durch die vielfältigen technologischen Entwicklungen werden der Mensch und das menschliche Dasein stark verändert. Der Transhumanismus strebt eine radikale technologische Transformation des Menschen an und setzt dabei ein bestimmtes Menschenverständnis voraus. Der Beitrag untersucht die Anthropologie des Transhumanismus und fokussiert dabei besonders dessen neurowissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Im Transhumanismus wird der Mensch im Wesentlichen mit dessen neuronalen Prozessen, v. a. dem Gehirn, gleichgesetzt. Im Beitrag wird die transhumanistische Argumentation auf ihre Stichhaltigkeit hin überprüft. Dabei stellt sich nicht nur heraus, dass der Transhumanismus (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Attachment Representation in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Using a Personalized Functional Magnet Resonance Imaging Task.Dorothee Bernheim, Anna Buchheim, Martin Domin, Renate Mentel & Martin Lotze - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundFear of abandonment and aloneness play a key role in the clinical understanding interpersonal and attachment-specific problems in patients with borderline personality disorder and has been investigated in previous functional Magnet Resonance Imaging studies. The aim of the present study was to examine how different aspects of attachment representations are processed in BPD, by using for the first time an fMRI attachment paradigm including personalized core sentences from the participants’ own attachment stories. We hypothesized that BPD patients would show increased (...)
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    Ist die Kultur erwacht?: Benjamin und die Malerei.Dorothee Gelhard - 2014 - Wien: Passagen Verlag.
    Dorothee Gelhard ergänzt die Untersuchungen zu Walter Benjamin und dem Phänomen des Darstellbaren in Sprache und Bild. Sie zeigt, dass sich Benjamin mit dem Thema der Erfahrung und der Wahrnehmung im Kontext der Malerei tiefgehend auseinandergesetzt hat. Die Beschäftigung mit Kandinsky, dem Blauen Reiter und Chagall hat bei Benjamin zu einem Nachdenken über Farben und Formen geführt. In den Texten über Phantasie und Wahrnehmung verbindet er seine Beobachtungen der modernen Malerei mit den aus den frühen phänomenologischen Studien gewonnenen Erkenntnissen, (...)
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    III. Zu den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Untersuchung.Dorothee Godel - 2015 - In Predigt Als Vermittlung: Studien Zum Verhältnis von Theologie Und Philosophie in Schleiermachers Ersten Predigten. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 377-382.
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    V. Anhang: Liste der ersten Predigten Schleiermachers.Dorothee Godel - 2015 - In Predigt Als Vermittlung: Studien Zum Verhältnis von Theologie Und Philosophie in Schleiermachers Ersten Predigten. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 389-392.
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    Ernst Cassirer und die Literatur.Dorothee Gelhard - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Parallel zur Philosophie der symbolischen Formen publizierte Cassirer in den 20er Jahren mehrere Aufsätze zur Kunst, die klarer noch als in den philosophischen Darstellungen die Rolle der Literatur als Vermittlerin zwischen der Naturerkenntnis und dem Sittlichen thematisieren. Die Autorin untersucht, wie Cassirers Blick auf die Kultur dabei vor allem von Goethes naturwissenschaflichen Schriften geprägt ist. Sie zeigt, wie Cassirer in den Jahren des Exils den Dialog mit Aby Warburg fortsetzte, mit dessen Kulturwissenschaftlicher Bibliothek er bis zu deren Übersiedlung nach London (...)
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    The Kerala Experience in Palliative Care: An Ethical Exploration from the Public Health Perspective.Aneena Anna Abraham & V. Jithesh - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (1):14-28.
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    Fructibus construere folia: omaggio a Vittoria Perrone Compagni.Gianluca Garelli, Anna Rodolfi & V. Perrone Compagni (eds.) - 2020 - Firenze: Società editrice fiorentina.
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    Objektive Richtigkeit, Rat und Evidenz. Kommentar zu From Value to Rightness.Dorothee Bleisch & Konstantin Weber - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75 (4):591-594.
    Mit From Value to Rightness liefert Vuko Andrić einen innovativen, scharfsinnigen und erfreulich klaren Beitrag zur Frage nach der Perspektivabhängigkeit moralischer Pflichten im Allgemeinen und dem angemessenen Verständnis des Konsequentialismus im Besonderen. Andrićs ideenreiches Buch geht der zentralen Frage, ob und in welchem Sinne konsequentialistische Theorien handlungsleitend sein sollten, dabei entlang dreier Argumentationsstränge nach. In diesem Kommentar konzentrieren wir uns auf den zweiten Argumentationsstrang, der die Vereinbarkeit von objektivem und subjektivem Konsequentialismus mit “ Sollen impliziert Können " behandelt. Wir möchten (...)
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    Secure Attachment Representation in Adolescence Buffers Heart-Rate Reactivity in Response to Attachment-Related Stressors.Manuela Gander, Alexander Karabatsiakis, Katharina Nuderscher, Dorothee Bernheim, Cornelia Doyen-Waldecker & Anna Buchheim - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    To date, we know very little about the effects of the differences in attachment classifications on the physiological correlates of stress regulation in adolescent age groups. The present study examined for the first time heart rate and heart rate variability during an attachment interview in adolescents. HR and HRV data were collected during a baseline assessment as well as during the administration of the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System in a community-based sample of 56 adolescents. We additionally used the Adult (...)
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    Geschwisterbeziehung im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Selbst und Objekt.Dorothee Adam-Lauterbach - 2024 - Psyche 78 (8):706-732.
    Der vorliegende Beitrag konzeptualisiert die Geschwisterbeziehung objektbeziehungstheoretisch. Dabei wird die Annahme verfolgt, dass die Subjekt-Objekt-Trennung zwischen Geschwistern oftmals durchlässiger und fragiler bleibt als die zu den elterlichen Objekten. Die Autorin macht dafür überdauernde frühe Abwehrmechanismen wie Projektion, Idealisierung und Spaltung geltend, die die Individuationsentwicklung und die Fähigkeit zur Selbst- und Beziehungsregulierung zwischen ihnen belasten, was an einem Fallbeispiel illustriert wird. Darüber hinaus wird die Ursache konflikthafter und traumatisierender Geschwisterbeziehungen in Beziehung gesetzt zu Juliet Mitchells Konzept des »Gesetzes der Mutter«.
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    Religion and action control: Faith-specific modulation of the Simon effect but not Stop-Signal performance.Bernhard Hommel, Lorenza S. Colzato, Claudia Scorolli, Anna M. Borghi & Wery P. M. van den Wildenberg - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):177-185.
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    Jochen Schultheiß, Generationenbeziehungen in den Confessiones des Augustinus. Theologie und literarische Form in der Spätantike.Dorothee Elm von der Osten - 2015 - Klio 97 (1):374-377.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 1 Seiten: 374-377.
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  17. On development of functional brain connectivity in the young brain.G. E. Anna-Jasmijn Hoff, M. P. Van den Heuvel, Manon J. N. L. Benders, Karina J. Kersbergen & L. S. De Vries - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  18.  28
    Providing Support Differentially Affects Asian American and Latinx Psychosocial and Physiological Well-Being: A Pilot Study.Shu-Sha Angie Guan, Gabriela Jimenez, Jennifer Cabrera, Anna Cho, Omar Ullah & Ruben Den Broeder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although substantial evidence suggests receiving social support has positive implications for well-being, less is known about how providing support can confer benefits, particularly for Asian American and Latinx individuals who are more likely to come from interdependent cultures that emphasize family obligation. Asian American and Latinx college students reported on anxiety before taking part in a modified laboratory task that elicited a physiological stress response as measured by total cortisol output. They were randomly assigned to write a supportive note to (...)
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    Brain Maturation, Cognition and Voice Pattern in a Gender Dysphoria Case under Pubertal Suppression.Maiko A. Schneider, Poli M. Spritzer, Bianca Machado Borba Soll, Anna M. V. Fontanari, Marina Carneiro, Fernanda Tovar-Moll, Angelo B. Costa, Dhiordan C. da Silva, Karine Schwarz, Maurício Anes, Silza Tramontina & Maria I. R. Lobato - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Factors associated with high-risk behaviour among migrants in the state of maharashtra, india.Neeta Rao, L. Jeyaseelan, Anna Joy, V. Sampath Kumar, M. Thenmozhi & Smriti Acharya - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (5):627-641.
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    (1 other version)The Impact of the Parental Support on Risk Factors in the Process of Gender Affirmation of Transgender and Gender Diverse People.Bruna L. Seibel, Bruno de Brito Silva, Anna M. V. Fontanari, Ramiro F. Catelan, Ana M. Bercht, Juliana L. Stucky, Diogo A. DeSousa, Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Henrique C. Nardi, Silvia H. Koller & Angelo B. Costa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Research involving transgender and gender diverse people (TGD) increased in the last years, mostly concerning healthcare associated to this population. Few studies dedicated their analysis to the impact of parental support on transgender people, even though this is an important aspect in creating a safe environment on which these individuals can build their identity. In addition, the link between family support, TGD identity and homelessness is not completely established. Thus, due to the specificities of the family context of TGD individuals, (...)
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    Diether R. Reinsch/Athanasios Kambylis (rec.), Annae Comnenae Alexias. Pars prior: Prolegomena et textus. Pars altera: Indices, digesserunt Foteini Kolovou et Diether R. Reinsch. [Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. Series Berolinensis, 40/1-2.]. [REVIEW]Maria Tziatzi-Papagianni - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):764-774.
    Die Alexias Anna Komnenes ist eine sehr wichtige und interessante historische Quelle für die Zeit um die Wende vom 11. zum 12. Jh. Bereits im J. 1970 bezüglich des 15. Buches und im J. 1990 bezüglich der Bücher 1–14 der Alexias wurde von A. Kambylis und D. R. Reinsch entsprechend festgestellt, daß die bis zu jenem Zeitpunkt erschienenen Ausgaben einschließlich der von B. Leib (1937 (1967), 1943 (1967), 1945) verbesserungsbedürftig waren. So wurde der Plan zu einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe (...)
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    Mit-Sein: gemeinschaft-ontologische und politische perspektivierungen.Elke Bippus, Thomas Bedorf, Jörg Huber & Dorothee Richter (eds.) - 2010 - Wien: Springer.
    Gemeinschaft ist ein Begriff, der in den Debatten der Moderne immer wieder infrage gestellt wurde. Im Moment ist eine Renaissance dieser Begriffsdebatte zu beobachten, sie steht in Verbindung zu den Diskussionen um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und um die Grenzen des Wachstums. In dem Buch werden philosophisches Denken, politische Theorien, Theorien des Ästhetischen und die Künste zusammengeführt, um danach zu fragen, wie „Mit-Sein“ überhaupt denkbar und darstellbar ist, ob Gemeinschaft gegeben ist, wie sie sich ereignet und sich zeigt.
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    Mental space maps into the future.Anna Belardinelli, Johannes Lohmann, Alessandro Farnè & Martin V. Butz - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):65-73.
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  25. Les gnostiques et la richesse de la langue copte: quelques remarques lexicales à propos de l'Apocryphon de Jean et de Melchisédek.Anna Van Den Kerchove - 2008 - In Pascale Hummel & Frédéric Gabriel, Vérité(s) philologique(s): études sur les notions de vérité et de fausseté en matière de philologie. Paris: Philologicum.
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    The acquisition of the active transitive construction in English: A detailed case study.Anna L. Theakston, Robert Maslen, Elena V. M. Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (1):91-128.
    In this study, we test a number of predictions concerning children's knowledge of the transitive Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) construction between two and three years on one child (Thomas) for whom we have densely collected data. The data show that the earliest SVO utterances reflect earlier use of those same verbs, and that verbs acquired before 2;7 show an earlier move towards adult-like levels of use in the SVO construction and in object argument complexity than later acquired verbs. There is not a (...)
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    Why You Should Report Bayes Factors in Your Transcranial Brain Stimulation Studies.Anna Lena Biel & Elisabeth V. C. Friedrich - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Concerned Whether You’ll Make It in Life? Status Anxiety Uniquely Explains Job Satisfaction.Anna Keshabyan & Martin V. Day - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Ever feel concerned that you may not achieve your career goals, or feel worried about where your life is going? Such examples may reflect the experience of status anxiety, that is, concerns that one may be stuck or not able to move up in life, or worries that one may be too low in standing compared to society’s standards. Status anxiety is believed to be exacerbated by economic inequality and negatively affect well-being. While job satisfaction is an important determinant of (...)
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    The acquisition of auxiliary syntax: BE and HAVE.Anna L. Theakston, Elena V. M. Lieven, Julian M. Pine & Caroline F. Rowland - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (1):247-277.
    This study examined patterns of auxiliary provision and omission for the auxiliaries BE and HAVE in a longitudinal data set from 11 children between the ages of two and three years. Four possible explanations for auxiliary omission—a lack of lexical knowledge, performance limitations in production, the Optional Infinitive hypothesis, and patterns of auxiliary use in the input—were examined. The data suggest that although none of these accounts provides a full explanation for the pattern of auxiliary use and nonuse observed in (...)
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    Semantic similarity of labels and inductive generalization: Taking a second look.Anna V. Fisher, Bryan J. Matlen & Karrie E. Godwin - 2011 - Cognition 118 (3):432-438.
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    Processing of perceptual information is more robust than processing of conceptual information in preschool-age children: Evidence from costs of switching.Anna V. Fisher - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):253-264.
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    Productivity of Noun Slots in Verb Frames.Anna L. Theakston, Paul Ibbotson, Daniel Freudenthal, Elena V. M. Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (6):1369-1395.
    Productivity is a central concept in the study of language and language acquisition. As a test case for exploring the notion of productivity, we focus on the noun slots of verb frames, such as __want__, __see__, and __get__. We develop a novel combination of measures designed to assess both the flexibility and creativity of use in these slots. We do so using a rigorously controlled sample of child speech and child directed speech from three English-speaking children between the ages of (...)
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  33.  13
    Hunting for Creativity.Anna V. Sakharova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (2):175-189.
    Science communicators, including journalists and experts in the field of public relations in science, are often seen as an external and optional addition to the scientific community. Their influence on scientific practices and public perception of science is often underestimated, and their role is understood as a technical one: as a simple retelling of scientific research in a language understandable to the public. In this paper, using the example of such a criterion as “creativity”, we propose to reconsider the role (...)
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  34. List of Contents: Volume 10, Number 5, October 1997.Adonai S. Sant’Anna, Decio Krause, Croca Jr, M. Ferrero, A. Garuccio & V. L. Lepore - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2).
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    Burmese Classical Poems.Anna J. Allott & Friedrich V. Lustig - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):797.
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    Simultaneous Processing of Noun Cue and to-be-Produced Verb in Verb Generation Task: Electromagnetic Evidence.Anna V. Butorina, Anna A. Pavlova, Anastasia Y. Nikolaeva, Andrey O. Prokofyev, Denis P. Bondarev & Tatiana A. Stroganova - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    A three-dimensional Markov field approach for the analysis of atomic clustering in atom probe data.Anna V. Ceguerra, Michael P. Moody, Leigh T. Stephenson, Ross K. W. Marceau & Simon P. Ringer - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (12):1657-1683.
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    Letters.Anna Frankel & Angela V. John - 1981 - Feminist Review 9 (1):106-110.
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    Brain Responses to Faces and Facial Expressions in 5-Month-Olds: An fNIRS Study.Renata Di Lorenzo, Anna Blasi, Caroline Junge, Carlijn van den Boomen, Rianne van Rooijen & Chantal Kemner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Kinesthetic and vestibular information modulate alpha activity during spatial navigation: a mobile EEG study.Benedikt V. Ehinger, Petra Fischer, Anna L. Gert, Lilli Kaufhold, Felix Weber, Gordon Pipa & Peter König - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Privacy, deontic epistemic action logic and software agents.V. Wiegel, M. J. Van den Hoven & G. J. C. Lokhorst - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):251-264.
    In this paper we present an executable approach to model interactions between agents that involve sensitive, privacy-related information. The approach is formal and based on deontic, epistemic and action logic. It is conceptually related to the Belief-Desire-Intention model of Bratman. Our approach uses the concept of sphere as developed by Waltzer to capture the notion that information is provided mostly with restrictions regarding its application. We use software agent technology to create an executable approach. Our agents hold beliefs about the (...)
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    Adaptive Immune Regulation of Mammary Postnatal Organogenesis.V. Plaks, B. Boldajipour, Linnemann Jr, N. H. Nguyen, K. Kersten, Y. Wolf, A. J. Casbon, N. Kong, R. J. E. Van den Bijgaart, D. Sheppard, A. C. Melton, M. F. Krummel & Z. Werb - unknown
    © 2015 Elsevier Inc.Postnatal organogenesis occurs in an immune competent environment and is tightly controlled by interplay between positive and negative regulators. Innate immune cells have beneficial roles in postnatal tissue remodeling, but roles for the adaptive immune system are currently unexplored. Here we show that adaptive immune responses participate in the normal postnatal development of a non-lymphoid epithelial tissue. Since the mammary gland is the only organ developing predominantly after birth, we utilized it as a powerful system to study (...)
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    Die ontstaan en die doel van die Voortrekkers se gelofte in 1838.D. V. R. Van den Berg & S. J. Botha - 1994 - HTS Theological Studies 50 (4).
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    Semantics of the Transitive Construction: Prototype Effects and Developmental Comparisons.Paul Ibbotson, Anna L. Theakston, Elena V. M. Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1268-1288.
    This paper investigates whether an abstract linguistic construction shows the kind of prototype effects characteristic of non-linguistic categories, in both adults and young children. Adapting the prototype-plus-distortion methodology of Franks and Bransford (1971), we found that whereas adults were lured toward false-positive recognition of sentences with prototypical transitive semantics, young children showed no such effect. We examined two main implications of the results. First, it adds a novel data point to a growing body of research in cognitive linguistics and construction (...)
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    The influence of label co-occurrence and semantic similarity on children’s inductive generalization.Bryan J. Matlen, Anna V. Fisher & Karrie E. Godwin - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Linda Bosniak. The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership, Princeton University Press, 2006. [REVIEW]Anna V. Dolidze - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (2):247-249.
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  47. Unitarity as Preservation of Entropy and Entanglement in Quantum Systems.Florian Hulpke, Uffe V. Poulsen, Anna Sanpera, Aditi Sen, Ujjwal Sen & Maciej Lewenstein - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (4):477-499.
    The logical structure of Quantum Mechanics (QM) and its relation to other fundamental principles of Nature has been for decades a subject of intensive research. In particular, the question whether the dynamical axiom of QM can be derived from other principles has been often considered. In this contribution, we show that unitary evolutions arise as a consequences of demanding preservation of entropy in the evolution of a single pure quantum system, and preservation of entanglement in the evolution of composite quantum (...)
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    When Stronger Knowledge Slows You Down: Semantic Relatedness Predicts Children's Co‐Activation of Related Items in a Visual Search Paradigm.Catarina Vales & Anna V. Fisher - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (6):e12746.
    A large literature suggests that the organization of words in semantic memory, reflecting meaningful relations among words and the concepts to which they refer, supports many cognitive processes, including memory encoding and retrieval, word learning, and inferential reasoning. The co‐activation of related items has been proposed as a mechanism by which semantic knowledge influences cognition, and contemporary accounts of semantic knowledge propose that this co‐activation is graded—that it depends on how strongly related the items are in semantic memory. Prior research (...)
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    Creativity is not Essence but Existence!Ilya T. Kasavin & Anna V. Sakharova - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (1):50-59.
    The article offers a socio-historical approach to the problem of creative personality in polemic with the article by A.M. Dorozhkin and S.V. Shibarshina. Creative activity is considered not as a psychological process or an expression of cognitive abilities, but as a result evaluated by the professional scientific community and even by the entire society. The distinction between the psychological, historical and historical-epistemological interpretation of creativity is discussed. The authors argue that although the proposed approach has an explanatory potential for creativity (...)
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    Can Infinitival to Omissions and Provisions Be Primed? An Experimental Investigation Into the Role of Constructional Competition in Infinitival to Omission Errors.Kirjavainen Minna, V. M. Lieven Elena & L. Theakston Anna - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1242-1273.
    An experimental study was conducted on children aged 2;6–3;0 and 3;6–4;0 investigating the priming effect of two WANT-constructions to establish whether constructional competition contributes to English-speaking children's infinitival to omission errors. In two between-participant groups, children either just heard or heard and repeated WANT-to, WANT-X, and control prime sentences after which to-infinitival constructions were elicited. We found that both age groups were primed, but in different ways. In the 2;6–3;0 year olds, WANT-to primes facilitated the provision of to in target (...)
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